Dave Eastgate

Dave  Eastgate  is  to  the  local  comic  industry  what  the  engine  is  to  an  automobile.  That  is  right!  Dave is  the ‘powerhouse’ of the comedy in Australia, thanks to the pulsating energy of his shows. He is currently completing his 18th year as a stand-up artist, and it seems he has way to go. Dave is an evergreen humorist who has proven himself  to  be  a  dependable laughter monger  throughout his  career.  Dave  spent  his childhood  at Port  Moresby, where he attended a local school for performing arts and decided to become an entertainer. His first few gigs were at theme parks and low-key restaurants. However, the desolate parks around him soon transformed into packed theatres, as his comic talents were too immense to be contained.

Dave  has  secured  his  place  amongst  the  most respected  comedians in  Australia. He  presently resides in Sydney where he has established himself as an accomplished actor, writer, musician, and stand-up comedian. His work has taken him to perform at venues throughout Australia and internationally in England, America, New Zealand, and Singapore. Dave’s love of music rivals his passion for comedy, but he is equally skillful at both. His comedy-hard-rock band, “Boner Contention”, will pump up the show and leave you with high levels of adrenaline. Contact us now if you have the nerve to sit through a Dave Eastgate show without getting a prolonged bellyache!


Not unlike many of his competitors, Dave has a very keen and observant eye. He pays attention to the details that most of us do not even notice as we live our every-day life. Dave brings his incisive observations and astounding wit to the stage and brandishes them to stimulate roars of laughter. His humor contains relevance and originality and never fails to hit the funny spot! He creates an innovative blend of satirical music and comedy that will stay with  you  for  quite  a  while. Dave  can  quickly  adopt different  personas and  parody  prominent  personalities  with sidesplitting effects upon the audience.

As the lead artist of ‘Boner Contention’, Dave makes use of parody in his songs, coming off as slightly mouthy and rude. Therefore, it is advisable that you do not bring your children along to his shows. Dave is a master of timing and can captivate any audience with his slick delivery. To top it all off, he can fluently speak Japanese and three other languages.


Some  of  Dave’s  most  popular  and  widely  acclaimed  comedy  shows  are  ‘No Brainer’,  ‘I  Wish I  Had  a Band’,  and ‘Rock ‘n Roll Glory Hole’. He co-wrote and co-starred in ‘The Elegant Gentleman’s Guide to Knife Fighting’ that aired on ABC1. In 2012, he got the honor of performing alongside the late Academy Award Winner Robin Williams, who claimed that Dave’s act was ‘beautiful’. He warmed up the audience at numerous renowned television shows like Australian Idol,  Australia’s Got  Talent,  and  So  You  Think  You  Can  Dance. Boner  Contention released  their  debut album, Bad Specimen, in 2014.

The  Metro, UK  believes  that  Dave  “unleashes  musical  thunder”  at  his  spectators “with  a  laughter-packed  set  of songs”